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Engaging Lent as a Community


“Lent heralds the affirmation that death will not have the last word because the very soil from which life springs consists of redeemed death.” – Steve Bell

We have begun our Lenten season, may we seek and not shy away from what this season has to teach us. May we dig into the soil of the darkness and wait. May we wait in trust that from that very darkness the hope for all creation dawns and is drawing us all into new life.

ASH WEDNESDAY by Malcolm Guit Receive this cross of ash upon your brow, Brought from the burning of Palm Sunday’s cross; The forests of the world are burning now And you make late repentance for the loss. But all the trees of God would clap their hands, The very stones themselves would shout and sing, If you could covenant to love these lands And recognize in Christ their Lord and King. He sees the slow destruction of those trees, He weeps to see the ancient places burn, And still you make what purchases you please And still to dust and ashes you return. But hope could rise from ashes even now, Beginning with this sign upon your brow.

Each year we invite people at Awaken to contribute reflections for our shared Lent devotional. These reflections embody the heart of our community through the lens of Scripture. Or probably more profoundly, they consider Scripture through the lens of our shared experience of life together. The devotional is a daily reflection on the words of Scripture in the context of Lent. It is a rich experience to journey together and discover a deeper life in Jesus.

Lent is a 40-day journey with Jesus in preparation for the Easter weekend (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Resurrection Sunday). Jesus travelled with his disciples to Jerusalem, preparing the way for the coming kingdom. As a community we hope to grow in our love and faithfulness to Jesus as we to prepare for his coming kingdom.

You are invited to join us this Lent. You may request a copy of the 2016 Lent Devotional by emailing

Blessings on the journey.

“…walking in a still-darkened valley even as the morning sun lights the tops of the mountains around us…bright sadness, indeed.” – Alexander Schmemann



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